Frequently Asked Questions
You will pay order and give us your username \ password \ server. Then, one of our booster from our boosters team of high ELO players will boost your account to your desired rank within a short amount of time!
You can try to guess approx the number and if it turns to be lower than noted we’ll contact you to solve this problem.
No. Your account is verified to your email address, to which the boosters do not have access.
Immediately after this, your order is placed into an order table so one of our boosters can take it.
Yes, you can choose the roles and champions you prefer the boosters to play by specifying them in the description field during the payment of the order!
Not by default, if this is necessary, we will contact you to ask for permission!
Contact us via Contact Form.
Contact us via Contact Form.
Yes. But in any case it’s better not to go to your account while the order is in the process of execution (you can disconnect our people in process work, it’s no good).
If you want to login in to the account – please, tell us the dates and hours you will be playing on your account! Also, do not forget to note your time zone. (GMT+)
Usually one order is allocated to one booster. But, if necessary, this booster can be changed or added one more person (for extra pay) so that the order can be completed faster.
Approximate time elo boosting – one division per day or faster. Higher “Diamond 4+” elo work time can be slightly increased.
Yes, you can use your second account or special online services to spectate the matches!
for example where you can spectate games: OP.GG
Yes, in case you are not satisfied with the booster’s results, use the Contact Form and we will take a closer look at the situation!
You are able to chat with the booster if you have ordered DuoQ or Coaching lessons, otherwise, this will not be possible!
Yes, specify the DuoQ option in the boosting calculator!
We cannot be 100% sure when we will finish your boost, but you can check the average completion time in the payment calculator!
In any case, we try to follow the standard deadlines for all orders – this approx is one division per day. Higher «Diamond 4+» elo work time can be slightly increased.
You can order guaranteed Division Boost to the next division;
Also you can order Guaranteed Wins, this however doesn’t guarantee promotion.
Firstly, the coach will contact you and both of you will decide what you are going to do. You can decide between DuoQ and/or Replay Analysing. Remember that each trainer has a unique style of coaching!
When you order Duo service be sure that you can play seriously. You are not allowed to trolling or intentional feeding. If you do that much time we are able to terminate the order without refund. Be smart and appreciate your and our time!
If there are no issues related to the server, you should contact our support and we will solve this problem as soon as possible!
No. Consider it a gift :) But if you will not be difficult to pay 50% of the cost of this division, we would be very grateful!
In our team we have only are trusted boosters.
Our boosters are incentivized to play with professionalism and respect. After your order is complete, you will leave a review for the booster. Boosters who receive negative reviews from customers will no longer be provided with orders, so they have every reason to act polite and professional while representing our company.
Since it is forbidden to boost, there is a small chance of getting banned. We are not responsible if your account is banned for boosting.
At the moment we work on these servers: EU West, EU Nordic&East, Russia and Turkey.
In case you fit our requirements of a current rank of “Diamond 2” and higher (EU West), fill in our Contact Form!
We do not use any other payment systems at the moment, but we are working on this matter. A PayPal account is free, contact us if you need help creating one!
Contact us via the Contact Form to ask questions related to boosting!